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Other Materials



WOMEN AND WORK APPG: 2024 AGM - Apr 2024


The Sixties: Pensions, Prejudice and Grandparenthood - Feb 2024


The Fifties: High Ranking Women and the Potential of Female Power - Jan 2024




The Forties: Family Breakdown - Dec 2023

The Thirties: Balancing Priorities Session - Nov 2023


The Twenties: Nurturing Female Talent in Male Dominated Workplaces - Oct 2023


The Teens: Equipping future workers - July 2023


AGM Minutes - March 2023


Levelling up our female workforce - Feb 2023




Women in Tech – November 2022


Women’s cost-of-living crisis – October 2022

Maternity leave, Post Maternity pay freeze and the Childcare tax – June 2022


Facing the Entrepreneurial Gap – May 2022


Menopause in the workplace – March 2022


Gender pay gap reporting and pay gap transparency – February 2022




What does good employment look – December 2021


Tackling Diversity Issues in Male-Dominated Industries – November 2021


Preparing Women for the Fourth Industrial Revolution – July 2021


Women in work: Childcare and Caring Responsibilities – June 2021


Securing the Future of Women’s Work: Making Flexible Working a Reality – May 2021


Securing the Future of Women’s Work – April 2021


AGM – March 2021


Financial Wellbeing – January 2021





Social Wellbeing – December 2020


Menstrual Wellbeing – November 2020


Mental Health and Wellbeing – October 2020


Career Progression – September 2020


Future of the Workplace – July 2020


Lockdown and Recovery – June 2020


The impact of COVID-19 on women in the workplace – May 2020


Mental Health and Wellbeing – January 2020





Allies and Advocates – October 2019


Affinity Networks – July 2019


Transparency – June 2019


Accessible Workplaces – April 2019


Inclusivity and Intersectionality – March 2019


Outreach Programmes and Skill Development – March 2019




Building the Pipeline – March 2018


Getting Women Through the Door – February 2018


Doubly Disadvantaged – May 2018


Occupational Segregation – July 2018


Getting Women out the Low-Pay Cycle – October 2018


Successful Second Careers – November 2018

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