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Harry Methley

Senior Counsel

Harry is an experienced political advisor who spent the last few years in a variety of roles across Government, including as Special Advisor and Spokesman for the Home Secretary, in No10 Downing Street and in Conservative Campaign Headquarters. 


Prior to joining Connect, Harry spent two and half years as a Special Adviser to the Home Secretary where he led on communications and parliamentary strategy. During his time there, he advised the Home Secretary on highly controversial and sensitive issues including the global migration crisis, Brexit, Covid and multiple terrorist attacks. He also spent time as a Special Adviser to the Prime Minister in No10 during a period of secondment.


He joined the Home Office having worked as Head of the Political Section in the Conservative Research Department, leading the research team during the successful 2019 General Election campaign. Before joining Conservative Campaign Headquarters, Harry worked in Parliament.  

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Third Floor, Millbank Tower
London, SW1P 4QP

020 7592 9592

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