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APPG Apprenticeships: Apprenticeships in the Third Sector - May 2024


Apprenticeships and the Future: What should apprenticeships look like after the General Election? - January 2024


AI and Apprenticeships - December 2023


Apprenticeships and Social Mobility - November 2023


Future of Apprenticeships - May 2023


Gender Parity in Apprenticeships- March 2023


National Apprenticeships Week 2023 with Kevin Hollinrake MP, Minister for Small Businesses - February 2023


Degree Apprenticeships and T Levels – December 2022


Apprenticeships and Net Zero – November 2022


Widening Participation – Minutes – October 2022


All Party Parliamentary Group on Apprenticeships – 2021-22 Report Launch – July 2022


Flexible working and Apprenticeships – June 2022


Apprenticeship Levy, Five Years On – May 2022


How do we make the system work better for SME’s? March 2022


Ask the Apprenticeships Panel to celebrate National Apprenticeships Week, February 2022


Plugging the construction skills gap with apprenticeships, January 2022


Apprenticeships and Lifelong Learning, December 2021


Increasing apprenticeship take up in the Transport and Logistics Sector


Report Launch 2020-21 meeting, July 2021


Apprenticeships and mental health, May 2021


Best practice examples and future steps to support the sector, April 2021


Hindering or Helping? The impact of T-Levels and FE Reform on apprenticeships and upskilling, March 2021


Ask the Apprentice Panel to mark National Apprenticeships Week, February 2021


AGM & How do we ensure that apprenticeships help young people into employment as the UK continues its economic recovery?, January 2021


How organisations have adapted virtually to create quality apprenticeships, December 2020


How do apprenticeships support career progression?, October 2020


Apprenticeships Careers Advice in Schools, February 2020


AGM & Careers Post-Apprenticeship, January 2020


Lessons from abroad, sharing best practice (AGM), October 2019


Apprenticeships and the Public Sector: Health, June 2019


Devolution and Apprenticeships, June 2019


The Apprentice Levy, Two Years on, April 2019


Diversity, Disability and Apprenticeships – what more needs to be done to support people with disabilities into apprenticeships, March 2019


Apprentice Panel to Mark National Apprenticeships Week, March 2019


Parents, teachers, friends – Raising the esteem of apprenticeships in education, February 2019


4IR and career development – What skills do we need in education to prepare future generations, January 2019


4IR and the Workforce, November 2018


Brexit: Opportunities and Challenges, October 2018 March 2018 meeting minutes


Apprenticeships APPG meeting on SMEs, February 2018


DFT Year of Engineering – how can we get more women into engineering apprenticeships and other sectors?, January 2018

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